Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Justin Bieber and Scooter Braun Interview at Fashion Night Talk Charity and Christmas Album

JUstin Bieber and scooter Braun hit Dolce & amp; amp; amp; amp; Gabbana fashion night last week gave one of the best interviews, we heard a few minutes.

Justin Chin said scooter and how and when he decided to cut-and failed attempt his hair for charity auction.

Biber spoke to Brown "maturing" fashion, clothing, Scooter "day" when going down to the type of swag that JB scooter will be in the fashion advice.

The most important part of the conversation, when they were talking about organized by brother of scooters known as "pencil contract" and the number of schools that have been created up to their team and supports genseishin Adam Braun and his charity since inception, and now has more than 50 schools have been created, or third world countries, existing within a charity.

Biebers new Christmas album November songs written by Justin from outside and, often, the original and written by Taylor Swift, Justin and at least one original piece.

Proceeds will go to the "Christmas album" the pen "

Taylor Swift and Justin become friends in the summer and even the last joke singer fired a few weeks back in the new context of MTV "Punk" television series, which Resets.

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